Frequently Asked Questions
1 Is APEL.C limited to Malaysian? No. APEL.C is open to all students at HEPs that have been approved to conduct APEL.C, whether they are local or international students.
2 Is there an age limit for applying for APEL.C? No. Unlike APEL.A, APEL.C does not have a specific age limit for each level of study.
3 What is the difference between the previously launched APEL and APEL.C? The previously launched APEL was for the purpose of entry into HEPs, known as APEL(Access). APEL.C or APEL(Credit), on the other hand, is for the purpose of obtaining credit transfer.
Through the implementation of APEL.A and APEL.C, individuals with extensive experience can not only enter programs at HEPs but can also use their experience to obtain credit transfers for specific courses in a study program. Therefore, students can complete their studies in a shorter period.
For the purpose of applying for APEL.C assessment, an individual must be a student (enrolled in a study program at a HEP).
4 Should I apply for APEL(C)? Do I want my prior learning to be recognised?
Do I have the skills, knowledge, and prior learning relevant to a university course?
Do I have evidence to support my prior learning?
If your answers are YES to any one of the above questions, then you should apply for APEL.C.
5 How long is the APEL.C assessment process until successful candidates receive a credit award? The APEL.A assessment process will take 3 months.
Applicants are advised to apply for APEL.C at least week 2 of semester starts.
6 Where can I obtain more information? Information on APEL.A can be obtained from the following official website:

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