Norlianah Mohd Shah
Head, APEL Centre
Acting Registrar
Greetings from Head of APEL Centre
Assalamualaikum and Salam Sejahtera.
Welcome to APEL Centre.
Accreditation of Prior Experiential Learning Centre (APEL Centre) has been established to serve as a one-stop centre for lifelong learning activities that consist of advising and processing APEL applications, offering micro-credentials courses as well as certification programmes. We provide opportunities for working adults to pursue their studies or enhance their knowledge and skills through flexible learning. Learners without minimum entry requirements shall have an alternative route to pursue their studies at DRB-HICOM University. They will be assessed and recognized for prior experiential learning for the level of studies that they intend to pursue.
Contact us for further information on APEL and the flexible learning opportunities available at our university.
Thank you.
Norlianah Mohd Shah
Head of APEL Centre
Acting Registrar