19 March 2023 | Sunday

Congratulations to DRB – HICOM University of Automotive Malaysia Team that participated in virtual MTE2023, 16-18 March 2023.

We won 2 Silver and 2 Bronze

Participating Project:

  1. Ecocomposite: Enhancement of Waste PP Bumper with Bio-derived Nanosilica – Ts. Dr. Huei Ruey Ong – Silver
  2. Elastomeric Recycled LDPE Foam: Greener Approach – Ts. Dr. Huei Ruey Ong – Silver
  3. UV-visible Spectrophotometry of Textile Wastewater – EMYRA EZZATY MASIREN – Bronze
  4. Router Follower with Setback – Dr. Aizuddin Abdul Rahman – Bronze