1.0      APEL

Accreditation of Prior Experiential Learning (APEL) is part of Malaysian Government’s initiative in recognising the importance of lifelong learning in nation’s human capital development. In support of lifelong learning, the Malaysian Qualification Agency (MQA) through its MQA Act 2007 (Act 679) has an on-going commitment to broaden access and provide opportunities for individuals to pursue tertiary education with work experience but lack of formal academic qualification.

With APEL, learner may convert his/her knowledge obtained through informal education and working experience by APEL’s assessment.


2.0      APEL.A

APEL.A is a systematic process that involves the identification, documentation and assessment of prior experiential learning to determine the extent to which an individual has achieved the desired learning outcomes, for access to a programme of study and/or award of credits.

APEL provides an opportunity for individual with working experience but lack of formal academic qualifications to pursue their studies in Higher Education Institutions (HEIs). In general, knowledge obtained through formal education and working experience will be both assessed in APEL’s assessment.

APEL in Malaysia can only be use as entry requirement to HEIs for the following level of qualification;

  1. Level 3 (Certificate);
  2. Level 4 (Diploma);
  3. Level 6 (Bachelor’s Degree); and
  4. Level 7 (Master’s Degree).

Learners shall apply through https://www2.mqa.gov.my/portalapela/ and refer to https://www2.mqa.gov.my/apel_a/documentation/TATACARA-PERMOHONAN-APEL.pdf for guidance of application for APEL.A.


3.0      APEL.C

Accreditation of Prior Experiential Learning for Credit Awards (APEL.C) is a learning evaluation process (informal and non-formal) of an individual based on cumulative experiences (knowledge and skills) to obtain CREDIT TRANSFER for course(s) in the programme enrolled.


  • 3.1          For whom?
    • Applicable to learners REGISTERED any Higher Education Institution regardless of the mode of entry; through the conventional or APEL(A) route.


  • 3.2          APEL.C Assessment Principle
    • Match the student competencies with the course learning outcome (CLO).


  • 3.3          Allowable Credit Transfer?
    • Up to 30% from the minimum credits of the coursework component.


  • 3.4          WHY APEL.C
    • Time and costs saving
      • Shorten the study period and reduce the tuition fee
    • No redundancy
      • Minimise repetitive learning
    • Recognition
      • Recognises formal and non-formal learning acquired by adult learner
    • Lifelong learning
      • Encourage adult learners to gain higher qualification and upskilling