Technical Institute

Associate Professor Ir. Hj. Shamil Abu Hassan, P. Eng PC, MIEM

Deputy Vice Chancellor 

Senior Dean – Technical Institute 

Greetings from the Technical Institute at the DRB-HICOM University of Automotive Malaysia. Our main objective is to provide lifelong learners with customized training to equip the public with the necessary tools and skillsets in reaching greater productivity and efficiency. 

Spread under the umbrella are two distinctive divisions, Akademi Saga dan Center of Excellence.
Akademi Saga provides variety of TVET related short courses under the auspices of Jabatan Pembangunan Kemahiran (JPK). Our programs in SKM2, SKM3 and DKM4 are well suited for those who would like to enter the job market faster and reap the benefit of technological skillsets required in the industry.
Center of Excellence culminates research, training and consultancy in various state of the art technology in sustainability, renewable and alternative energy as well as Industrial Revolution 4.0 related skills. The center also plays an important role in engaging the local community with various socio-economic projects to uplift the potential of the less fortunates.
Talk to us and explore worlds of opportunities at Technical Institute, DRB-HICOM University.